Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Girls Going Mild(er)

I used to teach psychology classes at a local community college. In the Life Span Development class we talked a lot about teenagers and how they have changed over the years. I have an article from a 1950 something newspaper in which parents are complaining that their children are being corrupted by the new bowling alley in their community. Oh for the days when bowling was the worst thing parents had to worry about!

Teenagers are often rebelious, and they often pick some behavior that their parents never did to push the limits. So, how do the children of a generation who has done it all, and revealed it all, rebel? Maybe by reverting back to modesty in dress and behavior.

In the July 23, 2007 issue of Newsweek Magazine, Jennie Yabroff writes about "a new 'modesty movement' aims to teach young women they don't have to be bad, or semiclad."

Check it out at Newsweek

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