Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

How to tell you are not mom's favorite
Check out other Wordless Wednesday pictures here and here!


Jaime Matthews said...

Awesome. That's how I felt sometimes with the extended family!

Anonymous said...

How I wish I didn't know how it was to be the unlucky bird!

Happy WW!

Joyismygoal said...

awwww how sweet and how not funtoo:>

etteY said...

LOL!! this is funny!

Anonymous said...

that's a mother instinct...maybe the other bird got his first be
nice entry..
mine is up and here also, Jhoaniquing

Serina Hope said...

Great picture. Poor bird.

carmilevy said...

Hi Diana. Thanks so much for popping by my blog just now.

This picture is amazing. How did you capture it so perfectly? What I love about photography is its ability to bring home such extraordinary moments.

The Egel Nest said...

That is such a cool picture...I love the birdies...even when they step on their children :)

The Egel Nest

Anonymous said...

I am still laughing...I was enjoying the beauty, read the caption saw where Mama ird planted her feet...quick i need my medi haler i am laughing so hard I cannot breathe!

Natalie said...

What a neat picture!

Candi said...

Great picture!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor not-favorite bird. Great picture.

Anonymous said...

aww, poor bird. Have a great Wednesday.

Anonymous said...


Ingrid said...

Reminds me that I have to think about what throwing in the pecker of my DH this evening !

Anonymous said...

OMG.. HOW Funny!!!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious! LOVE IT!

Hmmm . . . I wonder which one I would be?

Anonymous said...

Such an interesting photo. Yup - that's mother's instinct alright!

Anonymous said...


good timing

happy ww!

Anonymous said...

Ouch, that's harsh! Happy WW.

Christina said...

Wow that is a really great shot!

Alexis Jacobs said...

Too funny! Happy ww.

SandyCarlson said...

How beautiful! Happy WW!

Cathy said...

That's too funny!

Rachelle said...

What a great reminder to never make my children feel that way!

Hammer Time News! said...


Mycrazylife said...

That is an awesome shot! It makes me want to get outside and capture some nature. Good timing.


Amy's Blah, Blah, Blogging said... nice of that mama!

Qtpies7 said...

Thats funny! I'm so glad I'm the bird getting the food!

Anonymous said...

LOL poor baby bird. It does not look impressed.

la bellina mammina said...

That's so sweet :-)

Janice @ Mom On The Run said...

LOL - sometimes that's how I feel. The bottem of the totem pole in this family :(

Country Dawn said...


What a shot!

Deb said...

Oh wow - it's an incredible photo and I even missed the other bird until I read the caption. Very funny! Happy WW :)

Harlekwin said...

This is a side of nature we rarely get to see. Thank you for posting this image.

Andrea said...

Awww!! Now, how did you manage to get a picture like that? :)

Mrs. Stam said...

Awsome shot!!!!!! Love it!!!!
Happy WW

Daisy said...

What an amazing shot! I hope the other little bird did not get a headache.

Unknown said...

Whoops, I wonder if that bird needs to have his eyes checked. That's not a branch! He He. Great shot! Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog! Happy WW!

Jennifer said...

What an incredible photo! (Poor little guy!)

Emily said...

hahahaha. That is great! Unless, I suppose, you're the birdie on the bottom.

Cynthia said...

"Get off my head!"

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Ha ha, LOL! Great capture! WOW! Super! And funny commentary in the wordless title, too! :-)

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful photo. I love birds. Thanks for the nice comment you left on my WW post, "A Road Less Traveled". Thanks for visiting!

impwork said...

I can hear the squaking "Mom I'm not a twig"

Great shot :-)

Crystal said...

This made me laugh... Great picture!

Rene Perez said...

LOL! Must be the oldest that is being used as a FOOT STOOL!

Victoria said...


Anonymous said...

That is funny! Happy WW.

ZAM said...

I hope it's not always like this, I mean the favoritism. I hope the other one will get their share next.

MamaGirl said...

Wow, that's an awesome picture... perfect timing!
Thanks for visiting my blog.

kim said...

Did you take that shot? It's awesome! Nice capture!

Andree said...

Bad Bad Mommy!
I hope the baby recovers from the trauma!!

Anonymous said...

fun picture!

Melanie said...

I didn't even realize what was going on until I read your caption. Too funny!!

Lori Lavender Luz said...

That absolutely cracks me up!

Thanks so much for visiting my WW post, too!

Rebecca said...

That's an amazing picture, did you take it?

catsynth said...

Poor baby bird.
Great shot though, and thanks for stopping by.

painted maypole said...

that picture is fantastic!

Anonymous said...

awww very sad

Unknown said...

This is hilarious!